Wednesday, February 10, 2010

the good, the bad, and the ugly

Pregnant women everywhere- and the people that love them- know that our relationship to food is one of the most intense, and ever-changing dynamics of our daily lives as preggers.

My first 5 months were colored by intense nausea, though I rarely vomited. My first month I had an intense love affair with broccoli and cauliflower. Months 2-4, I could hardly eat anything but bread, cheese, and fruit smoothies, and now my most recent love affair is with pistachios and ice cream- or pistachio ice cream, depending on the day.

That said, I haven't had too many of the infamous "cravings". Instead I have been intensely repulsed by certain foods, or madly committed to others simply because they do not give me indigestion or heart burn. What a life!

A dear friend confided today that eating vegetables has truly become a labor of love- which she hates- while another pregger in my world happily chows down on anything her heart desires. Expanding bellies and booties aside, the general wisdom of donas and fly girls alike, is just eat!

Eat what you like when you can. Be mindful but not overly restrictive. Good food experiences can be hard to come by. Some sisters have it so bad that ENSURE is the only thing their poor bodies can take, so be grateful that you can eat at all.

Generally speaking, I love good food- good, healthy food, with an occasional cheeseburger or vanilla milkshake thrown in for good measure. This little boy inside of me, has some some very peculiar tastes of his own, however.

Among his likes over the last 6 months:

The Good
*Oat Bread
*String Beans
*A good hearty green salad with nuts and corn
*Soy Chicken & Avocado sandwiches- yum!

The Bad
*Ice Cream (ok, so it has calcium but I have NEVER liked ice cream so much)
*Cheeseburgers (at least 2 times per month)
*Baked Potatoes (nice)- with BACON AND SOUR CREAM!
*Fried yucca with fried eggs (OK once a year after a hangover is great, but he likes him some fried yucca)

The Ugly
*Cheetos (yes, Cheetos, y'all! I never even liked them as a kid)
OK, that's the ugliest so far... besides maybe the sour cream dip... and chips :)

what is with me and sour cream?!

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