Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Baby's First Words...and Kiss!

Mercury is in retrograde but it is a great time to finish your unfinished business, so here I am starting some unfinished business with myself... el blog! And who better to inspire me than the little person growing inside me? S/he deserves a productive, happy, and inspired mama! Thank you baby for the light and discipline!

If I had begun this 20 weeks ago you'd be sick of my complaints of nausea and hunger (!?) yes, simultaneously repulsed and smitten by food. hungry all the time!! and sick and tired of being sick and tired. motion sickness. argh! but oh so happy... :-)

oh pregnancy.... what a complex web ye weave... and yet i grinned through it all at the mention of a baby...oh, little hungry creature how ye seduced me... in love from day one! hungry, nauseous, and smitten by a little person i just couldn't wait to meet!

the first sonograms and ultrasounds...the little mushy mass slowly transforming before my eyes into arms (drumming at the first ultrasound.... i swear!) and legs (long!), and prominent forehead and nose... david's head and nose to be exact, and then, week 19- my lips!! finally! as the ultrasound invaded his little world (i am fighting the urge, but i can't any longer. it feels like a boy, and i have been calling my baby "he" since i found out i was pregnant)... so, HE puckered his lips (i have pictures to prove it! ha!) and kissed the invading foreign mass...

ultrasound pictures 1-3 show the progression: 

little full, round lips slowly opening- widening, in fact.  then he reached out... full burbuja and MWAH! his first besito... rico! and all along i am wondering, "so does he have a penis? 'Cause I just know it's a boy!"

but of course, we can't tell... well, the sticky in my file knows... and my secret lock box knows... but the world can't know... of course, i know.

He feels like boy.  In my vision, he smelled like a sweet little boy... he's a boy... and he drums, so he is definitely a boy... though the Yayas and Norka and Joyce and all my fierce sister girls know girls drum too... he was drumming...two hands at a time, horizontally placed. bata. as in anya.  David saw him. I did too.

So he makes burbujas, and blows kisses, and he drums... and he finally made me sit my butt down and blog!
Already a gift...
Bronx-made and bred...
A baby grows uptown...
My baby boy (ooooh, if she is a girl, she is going to be pissed!)
And i can't wait to meet him... or her....

Do you hear us when we talk to you? Or your dad's early morning greetings? Are you listening to haydee in my office? I wonder...hmmmm.


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