Saturday, January 23, 2010

a little boy named Hope

With all of the madness in the world, I am deeply grateful to God and the Universe for the smallest things. Not only was Haiti hit with a 6.1 after shock, but Argentina, Venezuela, and a number of other countries have been hit with (thankfully) less powerful quakes. Floods are again swallowing up the land and entire communities are being forced to evacuate... all in two week's time.

The Earth is pissed, y'all!

Without jumping on a soapbox, I'll simply say that we have to live better... be better. We are but small and insignificant creatures, living on the surface of a great and powerful being... and when she unleashes her wrath, it is really not a game. We all know that when we choose to live harmoniously, the blessings are bountiful. So let's give love and respect to the land on which we stand.

I want my baby and all of your babies to drink fresh water, and breathe clean air, and have fresh, healthy things to eat. So, please...

And yes, it means wrestling with our dual consciousness 'cause we live in a sick and complex world, my friends. Building sane lives means working every day so that we don't get sick with it. Got it?

So onto the happier news of my life, 'cause I said this was going to be a baby blog (cheese smile), we are having a BOY!


God decided to give the world a little more time to prepare for a fiery little girl, and gave us a precious little boy.

I knew it! I have been calling the baby "him" and "he" since Day One. And thank God, or like, I said, my daughter would have been very, very mad at me.

He has been swirling around for about 2 weeks, making his first (palpable)moves and today he kicked! I swear, he did. Either that, or he lodged his little foot in some crevice of my uterus. Eek! But it was totally a swift jab to the lower left belly! Yay! :)

With all of the sorrow in the world right now, I want him to know that he is hope. If he was a girl, I would definitely name him Amali, after my little homie, Amali Sierra... and in honor of East Africa, where I read some Zanzibari palms (which we would totally have to train her to do), and fell in love with the scent of frangipani.

Since he is a boy and I don't want to name him until I see him, I'll simply have it recorded here, that his name is Hope. His spirit is Peace. His weapon and tool is Wisdom.

I always imagined that I would have a little girl first, for some reason, but God/dess knows what s/he does, and I am so happy to welcome another little light into the world. Boys rock!

And this one is mine! To adore and nurture, until he decides where to shine his light and plant his seeds.

Thank you, God/dess.

And thank you, Hope, for choosing us.

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