Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Child's Play

I work in youth development. I run a community school to be exact.  A place full of beautiful, hormonally-challenged pre-adolescents, raging with love and rebeldia every day of their precious lives.  Naturally, we receive donations and discounted items for distribution to our students, and the community at large.Why- since the moment this little being began growing inside of me- have we received the most random assortment of donations, including 150 mint green baby photo albums (we don't have a head start program!).  How random!  Really?!

I feel like Dede-that's the baby's official nickname, though I better never hear you use it (s/he's just "baby" to you :-)- is conspiring to remind me of him/herself each day, in the oddest, cutest ways.  David and I have secret names picked for the baby, and we now see and hear them everywhere.

Flicking through cable: hear one name on 3 consecutive channels... no lie! At the doctor's office waiting for the elevator- see one of the names on a poster...S/he is everywhere... taunting and teasing, reminding that we have to wait until June to meet him/her.

Ooh, when you come out, that little butt is mine... :)  Well, it is mine... or mine to guide through life (for a little while).  But you really have it coming! What 'it" is, I am still unclear.  Lucky.Shoot. :)

And yes, I have reverted to 3rd grade obscenities.  No cooing language or baby talk, but straight third grade gangsta.  I am going to have fun with this kid.  I can't wait.

In other news, I am consciously fighting the urge to buy every cute baby thing I see.  I ain't gonna do it.  I ain't, I say.  But it is so tempting... soooooo tempting!

I know.  The baby will grow like a little mutant for the first 9 months.  Then, maybe s/he'll stretch out and fit a size for longer than a month and half. I get it.  But so tempting is it :)

Who can resist soft, fuzzy things and mini people clothes? Who?

I have a little people inside of me. Crazy! God help him/her. [Smile].

Your mother is kind of bugged.  Well, maybe a lot bugged, but I am working on tempering my wanderlust and randomness.  I promise. Really.  God knows the streets and lounges of New York City have seen a lot less of me over the last four years.  Lawd! 

Nyoka misses me.  Hilda wishes I would come out to play.  Manny wants to heal my constricted working sould (I swear, I am good, mama). Rosa just laughs.  The old days.  Good. Old.  Days.  I can't wait until you are grown! Actually, I can but I just know that I have it coming.  I am getting ready.  Ni yo ni tu papa somos facil.  Candela, mijo/a. 

Mommy friends: get ready and gear up! It is on! Unless I move from the northern hinterlands, though, we may just have to settle for long distance lovin'.  Bendito.

But do you know what?  Anytime you want your kids to see seagulls flying above short, stubby brick buildings, bring them over.  It's a Bronx experience like no other.  I bet you don't haave seagulls (except maybe Rashida).  Think about it.  Really.

Bueno, people, I am getting the official sleepies.  I want to go crawl under my man's armpit and smell his sweetness. He he.

[On a total aside, a man's natural scent is so important to a relationship.  And I don't mean funk- though you should be able to enjoy that, too, every once in a while- but his scent.  It is usually born somewhere between his sweat, his breath, and his soap or cologne.  Rico.  I love David's scent.  More than anyone I have ever met.  Yum.]


Oh-- and before I forget- I am sorry, Mrs. Frosch.  I know already that this blog is going to be every English teacher's nightmare.  Get out your red pens!Y Sra. Scrag: I can't figure out the accent mark situation.  Perdona.  Pronto lo hara. 

Bueno.  Ciaocito  A mimir con los angelitos.

Yoooooo!  Hilda, Loira, somebody: what was that munequito on Ch. 47 when we were growing up? The little owl or creature that sang the buenas noches song?

I have to get a clip of that for posterity! Dede must know the buenas noches song.  And the little creature guy. Yes.


Buenas noches.

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